Our Stories

As part of this project, JOVRNALISM used emerging technology to tell different aspects of the stories through innovative ways.

Using photogrammetry to make models of certain objects, we used the 3D assets and Snapchat Lens Studio to create unique augmented reality experiences.

Through this technology, you can now step into one of Miriam’s paintings; examine and play Issac’s prized VHS cassette; get a closer look at a foster care teddy bear and hear its controversy.

DIRECTIONS: To load any of these Snapchat Lenses, click on the linked snapcode or relative link. You can also load it directly from Snapchat by pointing your device at the snapcode and pressing it, like a button.

Controversial Bear

When a child is separated from their birthparent and put into foster care, they are given a teddy bear in hopes of soothing and reducing the trauma. For some, this gesture is welcomed, but for others this act is an insult.

In this experience, place one of these teddy bears into your reality and hear opposing views on what the bear meant to them.

Step into Miriam’s Art

Miriam Cortez, Peace4Kids program coordinator, uses art to find her place and voice. As an artist, she seamlessly transitioned creating in 3D space, through tools like Google’s Tilt Brush and Oculus’ Quill.

Watch Issac’s VHS Tape

Among Issac St. Romain III‘s most prized possessions is an old VHS cassette tape that has moments from his childhood, recorded by his birth father. They offer a glimpse into his happy life before losing his dad and going into the system.

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